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I first learned about Zometool from the Millennium Whole Earth catalog, and they seemed far too expensive (at that time) to be within reach. After finding a few kits second hand, at some point the number of pieces I owned reached a critical mass allowing far more things to be constructed. The search for more struts and connectors became a hunt. Wikipedia pages now feel like videogame achievement lists. The purpose of this wiki is only to catalog and share my constructions, although some useful information might also accidentally appear.

Disclaimers, etc.

All images are copyrighted, please ask for use. Zometool and its products are the intellectual property of Zometool Inc.

The wiki software used is PmWiki. The Zometool connector image on the left is modeled in VZome and rendered in MegaPOV. All of that software is rad.



Page last modified on April 28, 2024, at 09:42 AM EST

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